Wednesday, July 22, 2009

My tomatoes...finally!

My little cherry tomatoes are finally ready to be eaten! I've been waiting for about 2 months for the plant to sprout my little red friends and it looks like I've got 3 ready to pop in my mouth....I guess I couldve gone to the store and bought a package in about 5 minutes but I have a feeling these little guys will taste a lot better...  :)



my basil is doing decent too! I'd like to attempt to make a pesto and jar it, but have no idea how. So far I've just been adding the leaves to pizza, sauce and sandwiches. Anyone out there have a good pesto recipe??



  1. That's fantastic! My tomato plants are about 4 inches tall now lol- maybe because I started them from seeds just last month? I have no idea what I'm doing! The basil is about 6 inches now, but I don't know what to do with it. How can I eat basil w/o tomatoes??

  2. LOL I have no idea either ;P Tomato, basil and mozzarella... yum! Im hopin someone has a good pesto recipe, its a great way to use your basil! Sounds like yours is doing good!

  3. I have to say that these tomatoes were fantastic.... ate all of them today! :)

  4. AnonymousJuly 24, 2009

    It looks like a great salad is in the works! Can I try some?

  5. My grape tomato plant is getting full and a few of them are about to become ripe! I love fresh basil, too, and I have them growing in my herb garden.

  6. I make a basic pesto recipe and then put it into little freezer bags and store them in the freezer. I can then take out a bag at a time for pizza base, pasta sauce etc.
    My actual recipe for pesto is in my head but I think you can find one on the web. I add basil, olive oil, pine nuts and sometimes parmesan. Yummy!

  7. Thanks Jacaranda! Im gonna look for one! I had no idea you would keep it in the freezer :)
    I'd like to edit this post to say how po'd I am that some critter ate the rest of my tomatoes. So I had 3 of them. They were good while they lasted! :P Even the chicken wire didnt fully keep them away...argh!


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