Friday, October 30, 2009

Friday Feature - Eclectic Skeptic!!

Its time for another Friday Feature! Fellow EART Team member, Cathy from ! Please check out her shop, she has many unique pieces that would make great gifts! 

This beautiful bookmark would make a lovely gift for a friend who loves books!

I love these Psychedelic Gazelle Note Cards, perfect for all occasions!

And how cute are these earrings??

What led you to create your craft?
Since I work with a lot of different mediums, this is a difficult answer. Both of my parents encouraged my creativity through projects and by example. I had some wonderful high school art teachers and learned a lot about drawing, painting, making jewelry and designing and constructing sets. My mom gave me a Pentax K1000 SLR when I was in high school and you can see my love of photography reflected in the altered photos of my note cards and bookmarks. As far as the emphasis on flying pigs or pigasi in my shop, EclecticSkeptic, I guess I can blame that on a group of friends that enjoy the aerial porcines.

What do you find the most rewarding and the most challenging about your craft?
I love to see the puzzle pieces come together into a cohesive whole. This can be a matter of picking out the different beads, charms, chains and other components and fashioning them into earrings, necklaces, keychains, etc. or taking photos and then cropping and altering them to come up with pleasing compositions.

Do you have any advice for other crafters?
Hopefully if you are participating in a craft as a hobby or as a business, it is something that you enjoy. To me the creative process is a wonderful thing and the reward is the finished product. However, if you don’t enjoy the process, it can become drudgery and who needs more of that? So my advice is find something that you have fun with and that you find rewarding. 

What do you like to do in your spare time?
I enjoy being outside, whether that is working in or enjoying my gardens or strolling along a nature trail.

Randoms about you!
Favorite color
That probably depends on my mood or what pretty color just caught my attention. 

Favorite movie
As for favorite movies and music, I can’t say I have ever been able to answer that question.  

Favorite vacation spot
I love destinations that allow you to enjoy nature. That can be the beach, the mountains or spaces in between.

I hope you enjoyed this Friday Feature  :)


  1. Thank you for picking my shop EclecticSkeptic for your Friday feature.

  2. Love the flying pigs!

  3. hee hee.. the flying pigs are pretty cute! ;)

  4. No problem, EDC!! I love those pigs too!

  5. wow! those pigs are adorable! they remind me of the logo for brooks brothers, only 10 times cuter!

  6. I really dig the Gazelle cards! I think it is great when people use multiple mediums to express themselves.It gives a broader example of the artist.

    Nice feature!

  7. I really like how she incorporates photography into her crafts.


Thank you for posting on!